Sunday, September 27, 2009

Howard Wedding

Last weekend we went to Brandon and Kelsey's wedding at the Antique Wedding House in Mesa, AZ. We had a great time!!! That same exact night, same exact time, we had another wedding to go to. Kenny's cousin Casey was getting married. Luckily for us the weddings were only 1 mile apart. So we left Brandon's wedding for a bit to go to Kenny's cousins wedding. It was nice to see all of Kenny's family! After we mingled with friends and family at the 2nd wedding, we went back to Brandon and Kelsey's to say our goodbyes. By the time the night was over, Kenny and I were beat! We were ready for bed! :)

Miss Lambert's Busy Bee's ( Classroom pics FINALLY up) :)

Remember these were taken right before the school year started. Therefore, things have become a little more cluttered. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The School Year has begun!

So school has officially started!! The 1st day went great! The kids are so cute!!! I have 23 fabulous 1st graders. I always forget how exhausting the 1st few days of school are. By 10:00 the kids were asking if it was time to go home. We have a really late lunch this year, so the kids were starving. By the time lunch rolled around, our day was 3/4 over. I was so excited that at the end of the EVERY single kids knew who was picking them up and where to meet them!! Just an FYI THAT NEVER HAPPENS IN 1ST GRADE!! LOL!!!! I didn't have any kids crying and wanting to go home, so that's a plus! I think it is going to be a great school year!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend Together

Kenny had the entire weekend off so we spent the weekend together! Friday we went out to dinner and came home early. Saturday we went to the gym, ran errands, and saw the movie Terminator. It was surprisingly good! :) Then today we woke up early and went to the ZOO!!! I have not been to the zoo in like 3 years. When I was student teaching we took the kids there on a field trip. So Kenny and ventured out to the zoo for the day. It was so hot, but we had a great time. Kenny's favorite animals were the turtles and the jaguar. (PS: He was so good at spotting out the animals in at every exhibit. I would just stand there trying to find what animal we were looking for. :) My favorite animals were the monkeys and the turtles. For some reason we both were really into the turtles. Well, thats all for now....I will get better about blogging now that it is summer vacation for me. Summer school starts tomorrow so I am off to bed so I can wake up nice and early!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Moms Wedding!

Okay so I have been really bad about updating my blog! New goal....keep up with posts! :) So here are pictures from my moms wedding last weekend!! We had a great time meeting Mike's family. The wedding was beautiful and my mom looked fabulous! hope you enjoy!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving-Disney Style!!

So every year for Thanksgiving my dad, step-mom, 2 sisters, aunt, uncle and 2 cousins always go to the Happiest Place on Earth for Thanksgiving! We drove up on Wednesday morning and stayed at the Disneyland Hotel. We always realize when we get there that 5 people in a tiny hotel room in too squishy. My dad snores so bad so the sleep each night was horrible :( We went to the park all 4 days we were there. We only caught rain on the drive up Wednesday, so that was good news. We ate lots of yummy food the whole time we were gone. Afterall, who doesn't love churros, ice cream cones, kettle corn etc. Each night as we walked back to our hotel we made a pit stop for a yummy treat! My aunt and I sure had funny taking advantage of all the sales in the stores. I got lots of Christmas shopping done in Downtown Disney. Poor Kenny had to work while I was gone. Although, he enjoyed having some male bonding time and relaxing at home with friends and family for Turkey day.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Okay so I am officially a blogger. I have been looking at friends and co workers blogs recently, and finally caved in and created my own! I think this is the GREATEST thing ever!!! This is going to be my new obsession. I was so interested in making my blog look cute and making a post tonight, that I totally forgot that I had dinner in the oven. Needless to say it was in there WAY longer then it needed to be. Well at least I have a new cute blog to show for it.